Friday, May 23, 2008

My freedom kicks your freedom's ASS

I hate the phrase 'freedom isn't free'. I agree that there is a price to pay when protecting the rights of all. But the connotations of the phrase these days seems to condone (among other things) violence, bullying, and a lack of respect for other cultures. It's as if the phrase is becoming synonomous with 'fuck you'. I'm sure there are those who disagree with me, but really consider it-we are sending our men, women, and children to another country where they die while some try and protect the men, women and children of that country. I have a hard time making the connect between the deaths and violence and how that affects the freedom of the American people. Freedom isn't free there's a hefty fucking fee, but who picks up the tab? Don't ask that question-there will be finger pointing and things of that nature. Unfortunately, ignoring the bill doesn't result in much more resolution than ignoring the stupid utilities man (don't get me started on the monopoly of elecricity, gas, sewer, garbage, and water that exists in my world-that's a rant for another day). So who pays? Do we go dutch? It often feels like I'm on a bad date with some asshole who keeps trying to put his arm around me and grab my tits while expounding on the morals and ethics he holds dear to his heart. Like this one time, during my crazy time as a Mormon girl when I went on a date with this guy-we'll call him David-and it felt like a black and white Twilight show episode. I had worked all day, and I was really tired so I kept yawning. That and the guy was a douche bag who assumed all sorts of ridiculous gender roles for us and that he was in charge. Boring. Every time I yawned he told me how rude it was, and finally he threatened to stick his finger in my mouth the next time I yawned. I'm sure that he wanted to stick something else in my mouth. I told el douche-O that if he did that then I would bite his finger. The smug bastard: "You can't, yawning is a reflex and you won't be able to close your mouth." We only had one date, can you believe it? I pretended to yawn and bit the wacked out freak when he stuck his fucking finger in my mouth. I digress. My point is that I don't really like the way the definition of freedom has morphed to mean something other than 'the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint' But what do I know? Not a goddamn thing, that's for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No woman, no cry.

Also: You are the best. I have added you to my googlyreader.