Thursday, August 14, 2008

have you ever spent time with a teenager?

ugh. sometimes i wish i could just say exactly how i feel to everybody i know. i'm a halfway decent communicator, there are moments of suck but then there are flashes of light also. so why is it i can't communicate with her?
wait-communication is a two way street. and i'm decidedly alone on this particular stretch of road. i've asked question after question in hopes of sparking some kind of connection. little responses but they are like a little bit of rain in the desert, at first you're hopeful and then you realize that it's already dried up before it even hit the ground.
why am i trying so hard? well, contrary to my hard boiled exterior i'm as delicate as an unfertilized yolk. one prick and my gooey insides are everywhere. of course i want her acceptance. what's more is i wanted to build a relationship with her. perhaps i'm too impatient?
who knows. i can certainly tell you it's only been 38 hours and i'm already counting the days till she leaves.